
16 de des. 2018

Sustainability risk management in the supply chain of telecommunication companies: A case study


Fatemeh Valinejad, Donya Rahmani,
Sustainability risk management in the supply chain of telecommunication companies: A case study,
Journal of Cleaner Production,
Volume 203,
Pages 53-67,
ISSN 0959-6526,

Abstract: Given the tendency of the world production and service organizations towards the development of a sustainable supply chain, the lack of concern for sustainability risks threatens the future of organizations. In this paper, a comprehensive and credible framework is proposed for managing the sustainability risks of the supply chain for telecommunications companies, based on a new approach to sustainability. In fact, the risks on different echelons of the telecommunication supply chain were identified based on a five-dimensional approach to the sustainability as a strong well-known method. As a case study, some major Iranian internet service providers were studied and analyzed to this approach by using failure mode and effects analysis method. After identifying the root causes and potential consequences of each risk, a treatment was proposed based on the capacities of the industry. As a result, the most dangerous sustainability risks in the considered telecommunication companies are technical and institutional ones, which account for almost 66% of the critical risks. Also, suppliers with a 53% share of critical risks are the most threatening to sustain the supply chain in these companies. The proposed framework, which is not only used by managers and experts in the telecommunications industry, but can also it can be adjusted to any other industry by related managers to maintain the sustainability of the supply chain performance in the long term. Furthermore, it can serve as a platform for future research in this field for researchers.

Keywords: Sustainable development; Risk management; Supply chain; FMEA analysis; Telecommunications companies

Integrating sustainability into supplier selection with analytical hierarchy process and improved grey relational analysis: a case of telecom industry



Supplier selection is one of the critical problems in supply chain systems. Within the last decades, by the emergence of sustainability concept, companies have been motivated to enhance their supplier’s sustainability and move toward sustainable development. This paper proposes a structured and integrated decision model for evaluating sustainable suppliers in the context of telecom industry by combining analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and improved grey relational analysis (IGRA) approaches. The proposed model employs AHP for calculating sustainability criteria weights and IGRA for ranking suppliers. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is also performed to demonstrate the robustness of the model. In this research, the sustainable supplier selection problem of the telecom industry in the southern part of Iran was investigated, showing the effectiveness and applicability of this proposed integrated approach.

12 de des. 2018

LAVOLA: Tractem la sostenibilitat en les seves múltiples dimensions i oferim solucions integrals que incorporen la comunicació i la tecnologia com a elements diferenciadors.


Governs, organitzacions, institucions i persones de tot el món estem cridats a actuar per abordar els principals desafiaments mediambientals, socials i econòmics que amenacen el futur del planeta i el nostre benestar.
Els Objectius Mundials definits per les nacions unides busquen la suma d’esforços de tots els actors socials per fer front al major repte de la nostra existència: aconseguir el canvi cap a un model de desenvolupament sostenible.
Transformar l’actual model energètic i reduir el consum de recursos i la generació de residus és essencial per aturar el canvi climàtic i evitar les conseqüències socials i econòmiques que se’n deriven.

para estudiar el ciclo de vida

SimaPro es una herramienta profesional para el cálculo de los impactos ambientales, sociales y económicos, asociados a una producto o servicio a lo largo de todo su ciclo de vida, con aplicación al ecodiseño, al desarrollo de ecoetiquetas, al cálculo de huellas de carbono o huellas hídricas, entre otros.


1 de des. 2018

Registro de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos


Guía de aplicación del RII-AEE

Nota informativa conjunta entre el Ministerio para la transición ecológica y el Ministerio de industria, Comercio y Turismo
La presente Guía de aplicación trata de explicar a los interesados, en un lenguaje sencillo, las funciones que el Real Decreto 110/2015, de 20 de febrero, sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RD RAEE) asigna al Registro Integrado Industrial (RII) y las obligaciones que los productores, o sus representantes autorizados, tienen en relación a dicho registro.
Igualmente, el RII-AEE pone a disposición de los usuarios una guía para la correcta declaración de los productos puestos en el mercado por los productores de AEE de acuerdo a la clasificación de los mismos en categorías, subcategorías y en función de su uso.

Traçabilitat i circularitat dels aparells elèctrics i electrònics i els seus residus

